🍕Work at a Pizza Place

AutoFrm, Become Mnger, Teleports

🍕Work at a Pizza PlaceUploaded byweiny weiny
2 years ago
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Script for Work at a Pizza Place, with a lot of cool features, Auto Farm, Become Manager, Teleports, AntiAFK and etc.

View Raw Edited By: weiny
Edited By: weinyDownload
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I have have to go through Five Checkpoints and all I got is a broken Auto-Farm script for Work At a Pizza place. I pointed out this problem in their Discord Server and they pointed out "You can use the script for multiple games" and I said "I don't care" because, he didn't get straight into the point. And he said "I don't care" as well. So, I said "Goodbye!" And permanently banned from the server. If you going to use this script for Work At a Pizza Place, I would not recommend to. And I wouldn't recommend using the Script in general because, it would take you minutes just to get a key and a very rude Owner. I let him earn money and all he had done to me is to not care about what happened and banned me from the server anyway.

2 years ago
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@CerRexior I agree with your statement.

2 years ago
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dumbass key, dumbass script, i recommend not using

2 years ago
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bro imagine forcing to join Discord for a key smh

2 years ago
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gay script dont use

2 years ago
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The only good and working feature is "become manager" which works smooth ngl lol

2 years ago
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its ******* *** you ****** all you got is a nice website design but your **** is ******* bad i'd quit if i were you holy ****

2 years ago
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Work At Pizza
Work At Pizza Place