Universal Script 📌

Syr0nix Chat Spy And Custom Chat Box

Universal Script 📌Uploaded bySyr0nix Syr0nix
7 months ago


Sure! Here are all the features of the script: 1. **Chat GUI Creation**: The script creates a custom chat GUI with a frame, log panel, close button, minimize button, log button, title, and chat box. 2. **Draggable Frame**: The main frame of the chat GUI is draggable, allowing the player to move it around the screen. 3. **Log Panel**: A scrolling frame that displays chat messages. It has a vertical alignment set to "Bottom" and a padding of 0. 4. **Close Button**: A button that closes the chat GUI when clicked. 5. **Minimize Button**: A button that minimizes the log panel when clicked. Clicking it again restores the log panel to its original size. 6. **Log Button**: A button that toggles chat logging on and off. When logging is enabled, the button text shows "Log Chat [ON]", and when logging is disabled, it shows "Log Chat [OFF]". 7. **Title**: A label that displays the title "Syr0nix Chat GUI". 8. **Chat Box**: A text box where players can type their messages. It has a placeholder text "Type your message here..." and clears the text when focused. 9. **Chat Logging**: The script logs chat messages from all players in the game. It displays the player's name and message in the log panel. 10. **Message Color Coding**: The script color-codes messages based on their content: - Red for commands starting with `:` or `;` - Blue for whispers and team messages (`/w`, `/whisper`, `/team`, `/t`) - White for regular messages 11. **Player Chat Detection**: The script connects to the `Chatted` event of each player to log their messages. It also connects to the `ChildAdded` event of the `Players` service to detect new players and log their messages. 12. **Chat Box Submission**: When the player presses Enter after typing a message in the chat box, the script sends the message to the default chat system and clears the chat box. 13. **Focus Chat Box with `/` Key**: The script focuses the chat box when the `/` key is pressed, allowing the player to start typing immediately. These features work together to provide a comprehensive chat logging system with a user-friendly interface.

View Raw Edited By: Syr0nix
Edited By: Syr0nixDownload
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vro used chatgpt for the script features 💔

7 months ago
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wtf no i use ROBLOX studio cause i was board and made this as a joke

7 months ago
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but it ended up working for all games so >:)

7 months ago
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It doesn't work anymore which is the new script of September ?

6 months ago
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working on new script soon need to bypass there new anti cheat witch use a client handler and they remade all the remotes

3 months ago
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also it waS BING AI L LOSER XD.

3 months ago
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and if it works who gives a * also for gpt and bing you have to have a base code before it will just make random exploits

3 months ago
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