Home: Flight Speed Jump Refresh Ghost Godmode (Likely does not work in most games.) Freecam Server Hop Rejoin Friend Activity (click them to join them)Other People: Teleport to "User" Hide "User" Character Kill "User" with tool Spectate "User" Scripts: (clicking them will run them) CMD-X Solaris Unnamed ESP Infinite Yield EvoV2 Dex Explorer V.G Hub Settings: Acrylic background blurring Shortcuts: Open Orca "Set key" Toggle flight "Set key" Set freecam "Set key" Set ghost mode "Set key" Set walk speed "Set key" Set jump height "Set key" Themes: Sorbet Dark theme Light theme Frosted glass Obsidian High contrast Other: Shows current irl time Shows ping Shows amount of time had open/played Shows max amount of people allowed in server and how much are in Shows join date Shows friends joined Shows friends online