This is a UI that shows how many frames per second roblox is running (it also shows the ping).
@love just copy the raw code, change RenderStepped to while task.wait(1)
@hypernova that doesn't work this is what i changed RunService.while task.wait(1):Connect(function(frame) i replaced renderstepped to while task.wait(1)
@AEEA that's not what you needed to do... You need to remove the entire RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() and replace it with the while task.wait(1) do, and the end) that closed the RenderStepped change to just end (without parenthesis) to close the while
ooo ok thanks i dont know how to code at all lol
@hypernova so it would be while task.wait(1) do end)
it still doesn't work I'm just stupid can you just send what I need to paste in that line I have 0 coding experience.