aimlock players super op (not mine) key system suepr ez jus use a bypasser bypass it here
how to use this man
@trumandupraw or just use Ublock (extension which blocks ads)
if the player you're fighting is smart you get reported instantly on top of that ill show you how to know if someone is aimlocking/aimbotting first when they use a holdable skills (like dark X Awakened) and if theyre facing behind and the holdable skill (DARK X) is hitting you thats how they know you are exploiting
@doannhatnam127 u go up to player and then lock them in if u wanna do 1v1 so it dont unaimlock then u jus spam skills and ez win
@real_sans_undertale bro that not gonna tell you nothing if you have soft aimbot cause if you use aimbot where it only works when your mouse is near target they will never know and you can never be baned.