[UPD] Blade Ball
Key System

OP Auto Parry Script

[UPD] Blade BallUploaded byDragon5819 Dragon5819
a year ago
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Status:šŸŸ¢ šŸŸ¢:Working šŸŸ”:updating/changing key/fixing some issue šŸ”“:not working ------------------------------------- Features: OP Auto Parry[not mine] Hold block spam parry No gui[execpt for the key system] key system[Orion library] ------------------------------------- Premium role benefit: auto load the main script but the key system GUI is still load but it just need to close it ------------------------------------- list of premium user[scriptblox name not roblox name]: 1.LeoMiracle 2.[No Name] 3.[No Name] 4.[No Name] 5.[No Name] 6.[No Name] ------------------------------------- Update logs: [-] Remove toggle block [+] Added hold block spam parry [~] Fix hold block spam parry [+] Added premium role [~] Fix member role issue [+] Added premium user tab in key system GUI [+] Added credits tab in key system GUI [~] Fix key system issue [+] Added credits who made the auto parry [~] Fix incorrect key issue -------------------------------------

View Raw Edited By: Dragon5819
Edited By: Dragon5819Download
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i'm not sure but yeah my username is maybenot205, very good script by the way.

a year ago
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Orion Library
OP Auto Parry


This script's key system is at https://linkvertise.com/989756/the-main-key?o=sharing. If you don't recognize the link it is advised to practice extreme caution, as it is your responsibility to ensure your device's safety. Would you like to proceed?