Sword Fight and Steal Time


Sword Fight and Steal TimeUploaded byziraniumdev ziraniumdev
2 years ago
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Edited By: ziraniumdevDownload
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this script is op

2 years ago
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getgenv().Circle = { ["Size"] = 10, ["Enabled"] = true, ["Random FTI"] = false, ["Whitelisted Limbs"] = {"Left Arm","Right Arm","Left Leg","Right Leg","Head","Torso","HumanoidRootPart"} } getgenv().Configuration = { ["Active"] = true, ["Increase Size"] = 0.25, ["Decrease Size"] = 0.25, ["Notifications"] = true, ["Auto Clicker"] = false, ["Transparency Check"] = false, ["Team Check"] = false, ["Fake Handle FTI"] = false -- if true, will only trigger if a fake handle is present (use for advanced antis) } getgenv().Keybinds = { ["Toggle Reach"] = "R", ["Toggle AC"] = "E", ["Increase Reach"] = "J", ["Decrease Reach"] = "K", ["Toggle Script"] = "Z", ["Notifications Toggle"] = "N", ["Fake Handle FTI Toggle"] = "F" } local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local function SendNotification(Ti,Te) StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title = tostring(Ti), Text = tostring(Te)}) end local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key) if key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Toggle Reach"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Circle["Enabled"] = not getgenv().Circle["Enabled"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Reach = "..tostring(getgenv().Circle["Enabled"])) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Toggle AC"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","AutoClicker = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"])) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Fake Handle FTI Toggle"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Fake Handle FTI = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"])) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Increase Reach"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Circle["Size"] = getgenv().Circle["Size"] + getgenv().Configuration["Increase Size"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Size = "..getgenv().Circle["Size"]) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Decrease Reach"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Circle["Size"] = getgenv().Circle["Size"] - getgenv().Configuration["Decrease Size"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Size = "..getgenv().Circle["Size"]) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Notifications Toggle"]) then getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Notifications = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"])) elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Toggle Script"]) then getgenv().Configuration["Active"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Active"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Script = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Active"])) end end end) hookfunction(gcinfo or collectgarbage, function(...) if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end return math.random(200,400) end) local HPHook; HPHook = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(H, HP) if not checkcaller() then if tostring(H) == "Humanoid" and tostring(HP) == "Health" then return 0 end end return HPHook(H, HP) end) local HitParts = {} local t = tick() local FTI = function(hit,handle) local Humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if Humanoid and Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and hit.Parent.Name ~= LocalPlayer.Character.Name then if getgenv().Configuration["Transparency Check"] == true then if hit.Transparency > 0.8 then return end end local Region = Region3.new(handle.Position + Vector3.new(-1,-1,-1), handle.Position + Vector3.new(1,1,1)) local InRegion = game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartsInRegion3(Region) if getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"] then for _,v in pairs(InRegion) do if v:IsA("Part") and v:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter") and v.Name ~= "Handle" then if getgenv().Circle["Random FTI"] == true then for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then if not table.find(HitParts,parts.Name) then if #HitParts >= 6 then table.clear(HitParts) end table.insert(HitParts,parts.Name) if math.abs(tick() - t) < 0.05 then return end t = tick() firetouchinterest(parts,handle,0) firetouchinterest(parts,handle,1) firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end else for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then firetouchinterest(parts,handle,0) firetouchinterest(parts,handle,1) firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end end end else for _,v in pairs(InRegion) do if v:IsA("Part") and v:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter") then if getgenv().Circle["Random FTI"] == true then for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then if not table.find(HitParts,parts.Name) then if #HitParts >= 6 then table.clear(HitParts) end table.insert(HitParts,parts.Name) if math.abs(tick() - t) < 0.05 then return end t = tick() firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end else for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end end end end end end local IsTeam = function(Player) if Player.Team == LocalPlayer.Team then return true else return false end end game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end if getgenv().Circle["Enabled"] == false then return end local Tool = LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") if Tool then if getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"] and LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then Tool:Activate() Tool:Activate() end local Handle = Tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") if Handle then local Size = getgenv().Circle["Size"] if getgenv().Configuration["Team Check"] == true then for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do if IsTeam(v) == false then local HRP = v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if HRP then local Distance = (HRP.Position - Handle.Position).Magnitude if Distance <= Size then FTI(HRP,Handle) end end end end else for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local HRP = v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if HRP then local Distance = (HRP.Position - Handle.Position).Magnitude if Distance <= Size then FTI(HRP,Handle) end end end end end end end)

2 years ago
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What is that for

2 years ago
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bro i got banned cuz of this script :/

2 years ago
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welcome hacks bud @zz160240

2 years ago
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how to use

2 years ago
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2 years ago
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