Project JoJo

Nova V8

Project JoJoUploaded bySeby Seby
2 years ago
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NOTE: Script is from 2020 and is the best Project JoJo GUI atm, some features might not work AFK GUI Level Farm Money Farm Worth Farm NPC TP Items Farm Stand Farm Auto Store Items/Stands Anti Timestop Temporary Fusions TP Italy Insta Stand Storage Boss Alert Insta Boss Kill Jotaro/Rohan Auto Quest Radio [Client Sided] Stats Changer Esp Invisible Insta Shop *Hotkeys: -Press X to stop any and everything (like money, level and stand farm), this can also stop multiple running functions at once; -Press T to activate Anti-Timestop; -Press J to auto-heal (but first you need activate it on Auxiliar Script); *PS: -Items Farm, only works once per click (Same goes for Gyro Alert, Boss Alert, Jotaro's Semi-Autoquest and Boss Kill GUI); -You will need money in order to use Stand Farm; -Jotaro's Semi-Autoquest always works when you click the button, but you still need to wait for the Red Aja and Diavolo to spawn (In other words, this does everything except take the Red Aja and Spawn Diavolo.); -You need Gucci Bag to use the Items Dupe function. Credits to GuiHD from v3rmillion for the script Original thread:

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Edited By: SebyDownload
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good script but the funniest thing just happend a admin came in and teleported to me and we had a whole conversation then i got banned lol good script tho

2 years ago
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But how can i dupe? I dont get it :(

2 years ago
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