did the linkertise so you dont have to. here is the key: PanikKeyOP!!Legend78987819! SCRIPT FEATURES ARE: bot esp, walking speed, infinite jump, free cam, hip height, rejoin. as i said not the best. not the best script but im just trying to save people trouble of going through 5 checkpoints of linkvertise BS your welcome tbh i dont think its worth it if the owner of the script changes the key and you have to download some app off linkvertive just pressdownload but when the window to actually download the file appears press cancel DO NOT ACTUALLY DOWNLOAD THE APP/FILE! wait 33 secs then it will assume you did it and bam new key is yours. idk who this scrupt belongs to but every poor roblox kid on youtube keeps reposting it with linkvertise links and im tired of the bs and im just trying to help other people who just want to make the game a bit easier idk.