Monster Ghoul

Request for script please

Monster Ghoul Uploaded byhereforreal hereforreal
17 days ago
Play Game


Dm me silva_zeno on discord if u plan to try Please please please. Ay I know it doesn't have a lot of players but I've seen some scripts made on here for games with like 10 players. It hasn't updated since September of 2024. So hopefully it's pretty simple to make some features. I just need someone small and sweet and there's still some people looking for a script as I was in a old script server for this game and some ppl join and leave asking if it still working. Some features to try to Include that may work since it hasn't update- probably like give yourself any kagune or quinque. Or bypass stats- these are just old op stuff that got patched. Some features to include are- Auto Farm- multi selection. Auto stat points Auto equip Auto skills Teleport Walkspeed-jump Auto cash out-this is for cashing out rep u build up, every 1 hour and 30 mins I think Auto missions Auto reputation mission-very needed Auto trainers-mission These are all I can pretty much think of the top of my head. There is also another script hub here that posted a open source for this game, it worked for 2 days and now I can't execute it. If anyone could take a look at it and like use it to keep making the script, it's has the boss fights and multi select-auto skills-teleport. And some other thing. Only needs some other features I mentioned like auto missions, trainers and auto cash out.

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bro thinks life is sweet, ain't *ody making u a script with that many features bro don't be greedy if u ain't paying.

17 days ago
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No I meant that's if they don't use the open source script, it already has most of em 🙏 I'm js hoping, never know 🫡

17 days ago
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get a life *😭🙏🏿

17 days ago
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Monster ghoul
Request for script