[FIXED 1V1S] JoJo: Golden Records


[FIXED 1V1S] JoJo: Golden RecordsUploaded byHackerMan33105 HackerMan33105
a year ago
Play Game


This script is an open source script and there is only 1 rule in it, it is not to pass this script off as your own, but this only works if you take the script itself and say you made it if you take some function from the script I won't mind. Enjoy my script. ^_^ Also, here's a link to the current state of the experiments. You can write a comment there or ask for a script for another experience in English: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YrScPheOvwaZSd4jHvIfwsf7NlaiXtib2a12ZZ3kpxc/edit?usp=sharing Here's the Russian version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-PP0TaU9Yot_3ixky4hdsj-iwFzoOyIkEm0JfsZjku4/edit?usp=sharing 🎉Update🎉 ❌The "CMD-X" script injection has been removed. ❌Noclip has been removed 🔃Undressing players now removes accessories. ✅Added a notification about not being able to find a player if the nickname is entered incorrectly when teleporting to him. ✅Added a notification about not being able to find a player if the nickname is entered incorrectly when undressing them. ✅A second method of suicide has been added ✅Added save zone ✅Added different settings ✅Russian translation added Cheat functions: • 1: Section Teleporting -- Teleport to locations -- Teleport to NPC -- Teleport to rokakaka trees -- Teleport to trash -- Teleport to meteorite -- Teleport to blight geode -- Teleport to players • 2: Section Bosses and Enemies -- Teleport to dummy -- Teleport to golems spawn • 3: Section Items and etc. -- Teleport to sand pile • 4: Section Misc -- Speed control -- Jump height control -- Hip Height control -- Gravity control -- Kill yourself -- Noclip -- ESP • 5: Section Fun -- Undressing the players -- Field Of View control -- Sit • 6: Section Settings -- Many different customizations • 7: Section Other scripts -- DarkDex V4 -- Infinite Yeild -- Your script • 8: Section Credit -- Credits

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