Universal Script 📌

FE UTG V3 (Universal)

Universal Script 📌Uploaded byZachary Zachary
3 years ago


-Sonic -Gale -Amongus -Killbot -Neko maid -Smug dance -Shadow blade -Fishing rod -Sword stand -Neptunion V -RB Neptunion -Wall -Achromatic Glitcher -Flaming cube -Spider -Cop -Chips -Joy -Ultimate Meme Dance -Chill -Wall walk -Gapple (Aka grapple but spelt wrong in GUI) -Krystal dance -Server Admin -BanHammer -Parkour god -Sniper -Ender -Vr Sword -Cadacus -Elio Blasio -Minigun -Car -Carnage -Segs doll -Memeus -Pen -Xester (My personal favorite) -Broomstick -Headless -Head Hold -Goopie -Orange Justice -Floss -Distract dance -Russian Kick -Insantity Powers -Zen -Hell robotics -Pillow -PP -Rainbow king -Touch kill -Take the L -Black hole -John Doe -Neko -Boobs -RTX -VR -Gun -Titain -Pixel car -Egg dog (This took time off of my hands please at least use it) [Made by Blukez]

View Raw Edited By: Zachary
Edited By: ZacharyDownload
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Is This R6 or R15?

3 years ago
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Really buggy and very unoptimized. It's bad unless the writer made it better. Sometimes when it repeated, the character cannot be moved, the character can only jump. Nothing else. It is usable and the GUI is good, the features in it is good but, all the feature are really, really, really, buggy. I hope this feedback give you some idea to improve you script. Incase you are wondering, the Respawn button works and the Anti-Fling feature triggers randomly by non-exploiters or normal players. The script might not be R6 compatible because, I wrote this comment and noted the things that the Script can do in R6. I never get to do the R6 version there is no note the says "R6 incompatible".

3 years ago
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3 years ago
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Attention for those who are commenting the problems, you act like im the dev of the UTG. if you have a problem go to the creator dont whine in my comments.

3 years ago
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doesn't work

2 years ago
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Doesnt work on Electron, all of the features arent available. (No matter if your avatar is R15 or R6)

3 years ago
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Zack, then don't copy it.

4 months ago
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