Buy the script here or else you will be kicked: What's BetterDaHood (BDH) Premium? BDH Premium is a multi-use script that can be used for literally anything in da hood, features a premium top of the line alt control, normal use script that includes a detection of exploiters (Detects if they execute any type of script), detection of fake stars (See who has a fake star on), Detect lockers easily with the included lasers already, Integrated crash with it just by doing "/e loadcrash" to crash the da hood server and way more features below! -------- Main Features: - Extremely optimised, the lowest cpu usage ever seen in a fully featured premium alt control - Advanced information displayed about each player in a clean UI: - If they are your friend / in your crew / marked as an enemy / your alt (You also have esp on them if any of this is true) - How much cash they have - What weapons they have - How much armor they have - Where they are aiming if they have a gun out (Easy to detect lockers) - If their macro is broken - If they are exploiting, and what exploit they are using (Supports RayX, Swag Mode, Encrypt and Enclosed) - What crew they are in and how many people in their crew are on the server (if there are more than 2) - Fast action keybinds - X = Lay - C = Greet - Q = Macro - Z = ShiftLock - V = Toggle esp modes (default, everyone, off) - Anti-fling and anti-sit so your macro works flawlessly - Shows how much damage players take when they are damaged or heal - Anti-afk - Auto low GFX - Undetected Normal Use Script Commands (Integrated with the Alt Control) -------- /e mark <player-name> -- Marks a specific player (gives you esp on them) /e unmark <player-name> / all -- Unmarks a specific player or all players if you type "all" /e cashaura -- Toggles auto cash pickup /e maindrop <amount> -- Toggles dropping on your main with the amount, if no amount specified then defaults to 10k /e loadcrash -- Loads BetterDaHood crasher /e autocmd <command> -- Will automatically type the specified premium command for any Swag or RayX user that injects (only works if you have Swag and RayX premium) /e destroychar -- Force resets you, freeing your character if someone stuck you in the ground /e ultralowgfx <on/off> -- Disables rendering and locks fps to 1 to save CPU /e hidecash <on/off> -- Hides/unhides cash to save CPU /e joinnotifs <on/off> -- Makes a notification sound every time a player joins the game (useful for selling dhc) /e shootme <player-name> -- Use this on someone that has a gun out (secret fun command) Alt Control Features/Commands: -------------------- .setup <admin/train/bank/club/host> -- Setups up all alts at specified location .drop <amount> -- Toggle dropping for all alts. Defaults to 10k if no amount specified .tp <admin/train/bank/club/host> -- Teleports player to specified location .bring <player-name> -- Brings a player / alt to you .bringalts -- Brings all alts to you .spraycrash -- Alt #1 toggles spraycrash .safecrash -- Alt #1 toggles safecrash .altcashaura <alt-name> -- Turns on cashaura for a specific alt .dupefor <player-name> -- All alts teleport to and start dropping for this player, if it's an alt, then it turns on cashaura .redeem <code> -- Redeems a code for all alts .destroycash -- All alts destroycash (saves CPU) .freeze <player-name> -- Freezes an alt or all alts if none specified .unfreeze <player-name> -- Unfreezes an alt or all alts if none specified .floorlock-- Locks alts underground .airlock -- Locks alts in the air .loopkill <player-name> -- Loopkills a specific player .stop -- Stops loopkilling .advert <message> -- All alts chat a message .wallet -- Toggles all alts wallet Extra commands ----- /e opencrates -- Useful for getting all legendary skins. Unboxes crates very fast until you have either spent 20 mil or unboxed a legendary. If you don't get a legendary, then you can crash the server and you will get your money back! (EXTRA: Press F9 to see what skins you have unboxed) Extra Stuff: - Updates Weekly - Integrates faster and at the moment only working crasher in da hood. - Nice Staff Team that can help you with any question you have - Personal Bot that can provide you any type of guide to help you automatically with any type of issue